The Mind Map Method of Notetaking

Mind Map Method

What is the Mind Map Method

The Mind Map method of notetaking uses graphical representations and keywords and phrases to connect ideas, making recall and review simple.  Mind maps are great for all types of learning styles but are especially beneficial to visual learners.

The topic of the lecture is written or typed in the centre of a blank page. As the lecturer presents information, you will draw lines extending from the main topic to form a web of details.

The Mind Mapping Method is a way to remember key points and ideas quickly and effectively. By using images to represent the important information, a mind map encourages you to look for patterns and connections between ideas.

Mind mapping is a powerful tool that helps you to learn faster, remember more, and develop an organisational mindset. You can use mind maps for any type of learning including reading, listening, writing, and even thinking about your thoughts.

What is The Mind Map Method of Notetaking

When to use the Mind Map Method

In general, mind maps are a great study resource that saves you time and effort.  Organising notes from a lecture, book, or online resource into a mind map can change the way you study and recall information.

Use Mind Maps for Lectures

Mind maps are an alternative to linear notetaking that can be helpful for lectures that are detailed, organized, and focused on a specific concept. 

Using mind maps you can organize your thoughts, and more easily process the information you are listening to.  At the end of the lecture, you will be able to see the main points from the lecture and how the subtopics are connected and interrelated.

Use Mind Maps for Research

Use mind maps with colour for your research notes.   Assign each branch, subject, or topic in your mind map a colour.  You can use the colour scheme to quickly identify the relationships between items.

Mind mapping allows you to cut through the mental chaos that arises when you are confronted with a problem. It provides a visual representation of a conceptual structure that helps you understand and organize your ideas.

Use Mind Maps for Assignment Planning

Mind mapping is a technique that can be used to help brainstorm ideas for an assignment. The structure of a mind map makes it easy to list ideas, which makes it an ideal format for capturing new thoughts when brainstorming ideas for your assignment.

Mind maps are used to help you organize ideas, concepts, and content. They help you visualize your ideas and concepts, and they give them structure that you can use to develop an outline for your assignments. 

The connections you identify in your mind map between ideas, concepts, and themes are easy to discuss in your assignment because you’ve considered their associated and documented them in your mind map.

Benefits of using Mind Map Method

What are the Benefits of using The Mind Map Method of Notetaking

Mind maps are also a great way to study.

Mind mapping allows you to make meaningful connections and gain insights from information. It provides a way of storing information and remembering it later. It helps you remember what you read, what you heard, what you were told, and what you did. It also helps you make new connections.

Relationships, connections, and hierarchies are visible and easy to recognise using a graphical representation like a mind map. Not only can mind maps be customised from one class to another but they can be linked to each other as well.

MindMap Example 1

There are a few reasons why Mind Map as a good tool for students to use:

●        Customisable - Your mind map should be unique to you, how you learn, and based on the information you have prioritised.  

●        Make notes quickly – You write only the keywords and themes that are important.  

●        Great for learning - They allow you to view the content in a different way and help users recall information more easily.

●        Overview of a subject – Your mind map can give you an in-depth overview of the topic. 

●        Easy to adapt – It is easy to add new information to your mind map.

●        Identify relationships - Relationships, connections, and hierarchies are visible and easy to recognise. 

Drawbacks of using the Mind Map Method

Mind maps take a little practice to start using. 

When you are learning lots of new information it can be challenging to identify which are the most important ideas and concepts that should be included in your mind map. 

Practice and familiarity with the subject will help you create good mind maps. 

Before lectures read the recommended reading and check out the slides so you have an idea of what information will be covered and how you may structure your mind map.

It is not always easy to fit a mind map on a single piece of paper.  If you think a subject will be complex with multiple branches and interconnected links, you may want to consider using a digital format or mind mapping software to avoid running out of room.

How do you use the Mind Map Method

There are two approaches to creating a mind map, top-down and bottom-up.

In the top-down approach, you start by identifying the main topic of your mind map. This is the most important concept you want to represent in your mind map.

Once you have identified the main topic, you proceed to brainstorm about the other concepts that are related to it.  This approach helps you to get an overview of your mind map and it’s a great way to identify the main topic.

In the bottom-up approach, you start by listing all the topics that you want to include in your mind map. This is the opposite of the top-down approach.

Once you have listed all the topics, you proceed to brainstorm about the concepts that are related to them.

How to Use The Mind Map Method of Notetaking

Steps to follow to use the Mind Map Method

The Mind Mapping Method uses graphical representations and keywords and phrases to connect ideas, making recall and review simplistic.

The hierarchical structure of the mind map ensures that the essential information is toward the middle of the map while extra details branch off to the outside.

Many people like to use a clockwise structure but for maximum value, you should set up your mind map in a structure that makes sense to you.

The steps to create a top-down mind map are as follows:

Step 1 – Main Topic

Start your mind map by writing the main topic in the middle of your page.

The main topic of your mind map is the central idea or topic that you are focussed on. 

If you are in a lecture the main topic may be the subject of the lecture.  If you are doing research for an assignment the main topic of your mindmap maybe your research question.

Step 2 – First Subtopic  

The next step is to add the first subtopic.  These are topics that are directly connected to the main topic.  You can have many subtopics all connected to the main topic.

Start by adding the first subtopic in the 1 o’clock position.  This will give you a clear starting point for your mind map.  Add your next subtopics systematically in a clockwise approach. 

The subtopic of your mind map is the category groups directly related to the main topic. 

Each subtopic contributes to the overall picture of the main topic and provides a full picture of the subject.

If you were creating a mind map for each of these categories, they would have the central placement on your page.

Step 3 – Branches

The next step is to add branches from your subtopics to include important details.

The information on each of the branches of your mind map helps build an overview of the entire subject.

Each branch represents a topic, which needs to be explored in detail.  You will add to the map details, facts, figures, or other information that provide a picture of how that single branch connects to the overall subject.

Top Tips

Active participation is required when you are creating mind maps. 

Whether you are in a lecture, studying, or doing your own research, pay attention to the material.  Think about the information and how it impacts your studies.  

You may want to create a mind map key with specialised colours, icons, or shapes to help distinguish information. This can extend from one map to another so that you have an organised system.

Within the mind map, you can use different font sizes to distinguish between different types of information. This will help you visually define the order of significance.  

MindMap Example 2


Mind mapping is a way to organize your thoughts on paper to make them easier to access, process, and remember later.

Mind mapping is a simple and effective way to organize, visualize and remember what you've learned. Helping you see how concepts interrelate and where they might fit into a broader picture.

The ability to learn quickly is crucial in today's fast-paced world, and the mind map method can help you organise concepts and information, so it is easier to remember when you need it.

Watch our YouTube video below for the highlights from this article.

The MindMap Method is a great option for brainstorming but it might not be right for you in all situations.  To find out about other notetaking methods check out 12 Notetaking Methods Essential for Students for some of the most effective options for students.

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