Using Shorthand, Symbols, and Abbreviations

Using Shorthand, Symbols, and Abbreviations

What are shorthand, symbols and abbreviations

Abbreviations, symbols, and shorthand are powerful techniques that can supercharge your notetaking, allowing you to capture information more quickly and efficiently.

  • Abbreviations involve writing words and sentences by omitting some of the letters typically present, while still preserving their meaning. This reduction in the number of letters enhances your notetaking speed.

  • Symbols, on the other hand, replace words or sentences with symbolic representations. This method reduces the number of letters needed to convey an idea, resulting in increased notetaking speed and accuracy.

  • Shorthand is a unique writing method that employs quick strokes and lines to represent words or sounds. Rather than writing every single letter, shorthand utilizes short marks to represent groups of letters or entire words. This secret language for fast notetaking allows users to capture crucial information swiftly.

Using shorthand, symbols and abbreviations you can representations words or ideas and instead of writing out the entire word, you use one of these techniques to capture information quickly, paraphrase concepts and summarise ideas, enhancing your notetaking ability.

How to use shorthand, symbols and abbreviations

Shorthand, symbols, and abbreviations are shortcuts that help you capture information quickly and efficiently.

Abbreviations offer shortened versions of words, using just a few letters to represent the full word. This brevity allows you to convey your point without spending excessive time on each word.

Here’s how you can use abbreviations in your notetaking:

  • Abbreviations: Start by identifying words you commonly use and find shorter alternatives. "Important" becomes "imp" and "conference" becomes "conf." Keep it simple and easy to remember.

    • Abbreviations can include:

      • fusing the beginnings of words with the last letter such as govt (government) and form (formation).

      • using numbers such as 1st, 2nd, and 3rd.

      • featuring symbols such as w/ (with) and w/o (without).

Shorthand writing is a comprehensive system that utilizes symbols and/or abbreviations to replace letters, words, or phrases. Developed to facilitate rapid and concise writing, shorthand can significantly boost your notetaking speed and effectiveness.

Here’s how you can use shorthand in your notetaking:

  • Shorthand: Explore common shorthand symbols or create your own. Practice writing them until they become second nature. Use shorthand for frequently used words to speed up your notetaking game.

    • Three main methods of shorthand are :

      • The Teeline Shorthand Method

      • The Gregg Shorthand Method

      • The Pitman Shorthand Method

Symbols serve as representations of words or ideas. Instead of writing out the entire word, you use a simple symbol to capture it quickly, enhancing your ability to note information efficiently.

Here’s how you can use symbols in your notetaking:

  • Symbols: Create a personal symbol key. Assign symbols to words or ideas you frequently encounter. For example, a star symbol might mean "key point," and an arrow might represent "next."

    • Common, useful symbols that are often used in notetaking:

      • ∴ - “Therefore”

      • ↑ - “Increase”, “more”, “improvement”, “go up”, “up”

      • ↓ - “Decrease”, “less”, “deteriorate”, “go down”, “down”

      • <  - Less than

      • >, >> - “Greater than”, “much greater than”

      • ″ ″ - Same as above “ditto”

When to use shorthand, symbols and abbreviations

Knowing when to use these notetaking tools can transform your notetaking making it more efficient, engaging, and tailored to your learning needs.

  • Fast paced lectures: when you are in a lecture, use abbreviations for long words, symbols for recurring themes, and shorthand for lightning-fast notes. This ensures you can record crucial points without falling behind.

  • Seminars and tutorials: seminars and tutorials involve a flurry of information.  Instead of scribbling down every word, use abbreviations to capture the essence quickly and symbols can help highlight important ideas.

  • Research and reading: use abbreviations to condense information from research papers and long readings without looking the meaning of the information.

  • Visual Storytelling: symbols can help represent complex concepts in a visually engaging way.

  • Concise Study Sessions: when reviewing notes for an exam or preparing an assignment, abbreviations can condense lengthy sentences into shorter versions helps you focus on key concepts, making your study sessions more efficient and productive.

Benefits of using shorthand, symbols and abbreviations

By utilising the benefits of shorthand, symbols, and abbreviations, you can transform your notetaking from a mundane task into a dynamic, efficient, and personalized process, amplifying your ability to capture and retain information.

The benefits of these tools include advantages such are:

  1. Speed and Efficiency: condense complex ideas into concise representations, ensuring you capture information swiftly and efficiently.

  2. Conciseness and Clarity: distil lengthy phrases or technical terms into brief, easily digestible forms.

  3. Improved Memory Retention: enhances your memory retention as you form a mental connection between the abbreviated form and the full concept.

  4. Enhanced Focus during Lectures: focus more on the speaker and the core concepts rather than getting bogged down by transcribing every word.

  5. Tailored Personalization: freedom to create your own symbols, abbreviations, or shorthand methods that resonate with your understanding.

Drawbacks of using shorthand, symbols and abbreviations

Balancing the benefits and drawbacks of shorthand, symbols, and abbreviations involves mindful consideration of the context.

While shorthand, symbols, and abbreviations offer numerous advantages in notetaking, it's important to be aware of potential drawbacks to ensure a balanced and effective approach.

  1. Learning Curve: introducing shorthand symbols or creating a set of abbreviations requires an initial investment of time to learn and memorize.

  2. Limited Universality: if others need to interpret your notes personalized symbols or abbreviations may not have universal meaning.

  3. Potential for Forgetfulness: in the heat of a fast-paced lecture or meeting, there's a risk of forgetting the meanings of certain symbols or abbreviations.

  4. Reduced Detail and Nuance: condensing information may result in a loss of detail or nuance.

  5. Incompatibility with Digital Tools: shorthand and symbols are traditionally associated with handwritten notes digital platforms may not support the fluidity of shorthand writing.


Shorthand, symbols, and abbreviations are excellent tools for efficient notetaking. Done right, they can take your notetaking skills to a whole new level with faster documenting and better results.

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